

This is a most precious and holy day for all of us, for your very existence declares that our lives are auspicious. 

Through your infinite Heart, countless beings are awakening to Truth. Your care and wisdom elevate our being. Your presence is the light that reveals and illumines the God-Self within us. You show us with your every breath the pure love of God and the magnificence of a life lived in and as complete freedom.

As we celebrate and honour you, we venerate all Masters, who are indeed the one true living Master – compassion, grace, love and blessings in formlessness and form. 

Thank you unendingly for caring for us, holding our hands and taking us Home. 

Your Sangha

We are delighted to share the following releases dedicated to Moojibaba’s birthday:

Sangha Sharings — Gratitude for Moojibaba

Mukti & Friends – Life Is A Kirtan (Remix)

This Wild and Crazy Love Remains ~ A poem by Annie
To and For Guruji. January 29, 2022

As the years pass by
this Wild and Crazy Love
continues to cause Sleepless Nights,
Rivers of Tears, Tsunamis of Joy, and it even becomes Tornadoes
that leave a trail of destruction and debris behind.

While this Love has its Seasons, its Natural Disasters,
its Oceans of Peace and Calm, its Galaxies of Bliss;
It also knows
No Time,
No Distance,
No Change.

The Sound of your Voice brings
the Vast, Boundless, Inseparable, Unspeakable.
The mere Sight of You can erupt
in a Volcanic Happiness which spews its Ash on Everything.

This Love is a force of Nature
perhaps unseen by you.,
but Deeply felt and known Here.

The Day of Your Birth Gives Rise to Immense and Complete Gratitude,
a Deep, Endless, Celebration of You and Life itself,
and Boundless Vast Wild Absolutely Crazy Love.

All Praise and Glory to You Moojiji!