Mooji Mooji

Music Played during the Online Awakening Intensive with Mooji

23 - 25 June, 2023

Before Welcome & Opening Announcements Songs from the album Temple of Fire by Shivali
Before Invitation to FreedomSongs from the albums Amen – Prayerful Songs from the Mala of God by Mooji, by Omkara & Gotama, and Rise Up, by Mooji Mala Musicians
Before SatsangInner Silence” by Gotama
After SatsangTwameva Mata Cha Pita Twameva” by Radha

Before Guided ContemplationSongs from The Calling by Karuna
Before 1st SatsangFlute music by Sri Ram, from the album Sahaja Spirit
After 1st Satsang“Moko Kahan Dhundhe Re Bande” sung by Mahababa, words by Kabir (not available yet)
Before 2nd Satsang“Deep Rest” by Gotama
After 2nd Satsang(no music)
Before Guided ContemplationSongs from the album Shunyam by Radha
Before 1st SatsangSongs from the album River of Love by Lluís Martínez Ten
After 1st Satsang“Guru Jaisa Nahi Ko Dev” (Shabad, ancient words written for Guru Nanak) sung by Jagathi, available on the Mooji Mala Youtube Channel
Before 2nd SatsangPiano versions of various ‘Jai Sahaja!’ bhajans, by Gotama (not yet available)
After 2nd Satsang“Seven Names of God” by Benhaz & Arjun (not yet available)

The music in the short intro video that plays before each Live Broadcast
is “Remember” by Omkara, found on the album From the Silence.

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