
Mooji & Monte Sahaja Team on Retreat in April

Those who have known Moojibaba for some time have heard him say that he feels a period of silence and solitude is calling. Many years before the sharing of Satsang began, quite unexpectedly, he found himself sitting alone in quiet contentment in his little room in the flat he shared with his younger sister. It was a time of spontaneous, silent absorption in God. So oblivious did he become of time and the movements of daily life that, to this day, he is unable to recall much about his life during this period. Moojibaba sometimes lightly refers to this time as “the wilderness years”. Now, after decades of offering Satsang almost continuously, a feeling has again arisen to simply sit in non-dual aloneness.

And so, Moojibaba has decided to be in retreat throughout April, 2021. The sangha in Monte Sahaja will be joining him for this one month silent retreat from 5 April – 3 May for what has been spontaneously called the Awakening Retreat.

Core offerings such as Sahaja Express and Satsang of the Week, as well as the care and maintenance of Monte Sahaja will continue. In this time, the team will be alternating 2 weeks in complete retreat and 2 weeks serving (while still in retreat), so we will only be available during this time for urgent matters.

Anyone who feels to join Moojibaba in this auspicious time is welcome to join from home in whichever way is appropriate and possible to their circumstances. He guides that what is most important is an earnest intention to discover the Self. Regardless of any challenges that may arise, know that where there is a genuine choice for Truth, God opens a way.

This is really a self-retreat, relying on each one’s discernment to avoid unnecessary distractions that are quite likely to arise especially at this time of dedication. The Master reminds us that all that is needed is the direct recognition that the Self is untouched and independent of the personal self or ego and its world. He assures us that each earnest seeker is capable, through his guidance, to experientially verify that the formless Awareness-Self is the only reality.

Recently I've been saying to the Sangha: find one or two pointers that resonate with your heart, ones that can serve as a guiding light in your search for Truth and accept them as being sent by Grace. Follow them earnestly until you find yourself Home. ~ Mooji