Online Retreat with Mooji ~ 19-23 January

We are very happy to share that there is a 5-day Online Retreat with Mooji taking place on 19-23 January, 2022 — A Call to Awakening.
This online retreat is for earnest seekers who have been in Satsang for some time and are familiar with An Invitation to Freedom and what it reveals in you. It offers a new format of one Satsang daily that reflects Moojibaba’s wish to engage with dedicated students who are ready to apply the guidance offered.
An essential aspect of this retreat is contemplative time to facilitate a deepening of understanding, a ripening of Being. There will be potent contemplation guidances, dedicated online spaces and ample time for introspection in support of this. It is a powerful opportunity to immerse yourself in the energy-field of Satsang and be established in your experiential understanding of Truth.
Find out more about the retreatPlease note that registration closes two days before the start of the retreat, on 16 January, as a Pre-Retreat Program begins on 17 January.
In a dedicated retreat area on our newly upgraded website, participants can join the online Contemplative Spaces and Live Satsang Broadcast. Every Satsang, some participants are invited to join via Zoom (a different platform), where they have the opportunity to bring forward their burning questions by writing letters and engaging with Mooji.
Through Mooji’s presence and direct pointings to Truth, the unfading love, joy and peace that so many are searching for are revealed to be our very nature and Self.
“The highest opportunity of a human birth is to awaken to that which brings true and lasting happiness, unending peace and imperishable existence—the pure Awareness essence. The earnest seeker alone finds this.” ~ Mooji