In Loving Memory of Thomas Hoerttrich

26 March 1939 – 26 August 2022
Thomas was a most beloved member of the Mooji Sangha family. Together with his wife, Satvi, he lived in close contact and communion with the Monte Sahaja Sangha for many years. They continued imbibing Moojibaba’s highest pointings with great earnestness and dedication. Thomas’ presence exuded a warmth and quiet stillness which became increasingly evident to the many who knew them.
On Wednesday evening, the 24th of August, Thomas suffered a severe stroke whilst at home. Moojibaba and some of his closest sangha from Monte Sahaja and the local village immediately went to his aid until the ambulance arrived to take him to hospital for further medical care. Satvi, accompanied by Amala, Mohan, Hari Ram and Kiran from the sangha, remained at the hospital, where Satvi tended to Thomas with loving care, presence and quiet assurance. Throughout this time, those from the sangha who were aware of the situation gathered together in prayers and blessings for Thomas. Moojibaba himself remained in a state of prayer and blessings throughout.
At approximately midday today, Friday 26 August, news came through to Moojibaba and the Sangha both here and in the village that Thomas passed away peacefully around 11.35am. This happened while the attending sangha and Satvi were nearby and in deep prayer for Thomas’ spiritual and physical wellbeing. Throughout this intense period, our beloved Satvi remained in a state of loving communion with Thomas. She sat by his side as much as she was allowed to by the hospital staff. We are deeply grateful for all efforts made by the Beja hospital team to help Thomas.
Thomas’ kind, loving and open-hearted presence has been a noteworthy example and gift to the sangha; his humble, quiet and steadfast nature, a source of inspiration, wisdom and warmth to all.
We feel to share with the Sangha that both Thomas and Satvi attended the Wednesday morning satsang session here in Monte Sahaja. At lunchtime, Moojibaba commented on how attentive and radiant they both were, particularly when he began to call the group to focus inwardly on the true nature of the Self and to remain established there. Thomas’ eyes would always sparkle during such moments.
Tribute In Honour and Celebration of Thomas
Thomas, you are and will always be our brother, friend and Self. We are one with you in the highest place. We honour, bless and thank you, most beloved being. Our prayers and thoughts are fully with Satvi, his family and all those who loved Thomas.