Mooji Mala ~ New Music Channel

We are delighted to introduce Mooji Mala Music — our new Youtube channel that shares vibrant music from Mooji Sangha musicians often played live before and after Satsang with Mooji.
Mooji Mala is the name that has recently been given to the music that springs from Mooji Sangha musicians and emanates from Heart Satsangs with Moojibaba. These powerful gatherings inspire musicians who come together from all parts of the world to express their deep love and gratitude for the master’s guidance. The wisdom, grace and love that flows from Mooji’s presence guides us home to our true nature as blissful awareness Self.
Mooji Mala Music is the true soul food that fills the heart with freedom, light and joy. Enjoy!
Click here to explore our new Mooji Mala Music Youtube channel.
The full collection of music albums from Mooji Mala can be found on and as well as many online platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, Amazon and more, under the name Mooji Mala.
Much love and gratitude,
Music team