Mooji Mooji

Open Satsangs in Rishikesh, India

We are very happy to share that Moojibaba will be offering four weeks of free and open Satsangs in Rishikesh, India, from 12 Feb – 8 March, 2020.

We are also deeply honoured that Mooji has been invited by Sahaj Samadhi Seva Trust to offer these Satsangs, as this is a powerful opportunity to be deeply immersed in the energy field of self-discovery in one of India’s beautiful holy cities on the River Ganga.

The Satsangs are free and open for everyone who is called to discover who they truly are. During Satsang, Mooji speaks with seekers of Truth as they bring forward any burning questions, doubts and testimonies in relation to their search for lasting peace, joy and liberation. Every human being has this eternal purity inside, and in Satsang it is being unveiled.

Find out more about the Open Satsangs in Rishikesh.

The Satsangs will also be live broadcast freely through Mooji TV for all to enjoy and benefit from Moojibaba’s profound and timeless guidance.

Much love and gratitude,
Mooji team