Mooji Mooji

Online Awakening Intensive ~ 23-25 JUNE

This Online Awakening Intensive is a powerful opportunity to be immersed in Satsang with Moojibaba and established in the experiential understanding of Truth.

It offers a format of five Live Satsangs over the course of three days, and is for those who are deeply familiar with Moojibaba’s pointing– especially An Invitation to Freedom and what it reveals in you. This intensive reflects Mooji’s wish to engage with dedicated students who are applying the guidance offered.

A greatly supportive aspect of this intensive is contemplative time to digest and assimilate what is shared in the scheduled Satsangs. To help facilitate this, there will be a live online contemplative space as well as short potent guidances offered throughout the intensive.

Participants join the Online Contemplative Space and Live Satsang Broadcast in a dedicated area on our website. Everyone is also invited to join two of the scheduled Satsangs on Zoom (a different platform). Through Mooji’s presence and direct pointings to Truth, the unfading love, joy and peace that so many are searching for are revealed to be our very nature and Self.


The highest opportunity of a human birth is to awaken to that which brings true and lasting happiness, unending peace and imperishable existence —the pure Awareness essence. The earnest seeker alone finds this. ~ Mooji

~ Mooji