Mooji Mooji

Suspension of Activities at Monte Sahaja ~ Satsang will Continue Online

As the coronavirus pandemic continues to unfold, we have had to make an unprecedented decision about Monte Sahaja, the ashram and retreat centre in Portugal. The pandemic has had strong repercussions for many around the world, and Monte Sahaja has also been significantly affected. Thankfully we have not had any cases of COVID-19 in Monte Sahaja or our local community; however, we have been facing many of the changes and challenges that have come alongside the pandemic. 

With restrictions on large gatherings for the foreseeable future, the uncertain nature of travel, and considering the health and well-being of travellers to and from Portugal, it has become clear that many of our activities will need to be suspended for some time, particularly (but not only) those related to our programs and guests. We have looked carefully at many scenarios, and in this climate it is simply not possible for us to continue to operate in the same way or support many of the services previously offered. 

Moojibaba will of course continue to offer Satsang from Monte Sahaja for the worldwide Sangha. These will be shared through Mooji TV and YouTube, as well as on Sahaja Express and through Online Retreats. However, many of the additional activities and operations are no longer sustainable during this time, and Monte Sahaja will remain closed. A small group of caretakers will stay on at Sahaja to maintain and take care of the land and facilities, and also to continue to support the sharing of Satsang. We will use this time to improve the ashram’s services and infrastructure until such time as we are truly ready to open again.

This will continue into the foreseeable future and is likely to remain in place for some extended time. We will keep you updated as to where we are in this process. 

We are a close-knit community and this will affect us deeply. We will do everything in our power to take care that the transition is smooth for our community. While this is clearly a challenging time for everyone, we know in our hearts that this is the right decision and trust that the outcome will also bear fruit in many unimaginable ways. 

Living alongside Moojibaba, we are deeply inspired by him as a living example of the realisation of the Self and by his natural trust in God. In this time, as in any other, he truly embodies the intuitiveness and spontaneity he points us to, meeting life freshly and openly without any personal intention, no matter what life brings. 

He says, “Yes, there will be many changes, both external and internal, but I encourage you to face them in the light and spirit of pure consciousness and not personally. This will truly be an inspiring time for every true seeker—a time of renewal and a call for a fresh vision. Every trial or crisis has its hidden gems. Sometimes you have to be shaken to awaken, as Truth is what you seek. Trust and remain true to what you have discovered inside your heart. This Sangha tree will continue to bear many good fruits. I ask that each one remain in the heart and continue to stand in and with the Truth you have come to know and Be.”

The team also draws great strength from the love and care shown by the worldwide Sangha, who are very much present in our hearts now and always.

Thank you all and much love,
Monte Sahaja

Barns burn down. Now the sky is seen.