
Update About Monte Sahaja

Moojibaba is taking an extended period of rest. To support this, during this time many activities in Sahaja will be reduced and we will cease visits and guest stays.

Moojibaba has been offering Satsang with seekers of Truth for many years – in fact, for nearly three decades now. The attention and support offered through his presence to all those yearning for lasting peace and true freedom from the grip of the psychological identity (ego) is incredible and rare in our time. So many of us, all over the world, have been touched and transformed by his unfathomable love, presence and wisdom. 

For some years now, Moojibaba has been feeling a deep tiredness in his body and a need to take rest. However, as many of us around him have witnessed, he makes himself readily available when anyone comes to him seeking his guidance and help, putting his own needs aside. He so often says that when there is a sincere call, grace comes in the form of energy to serve that call, no matter his physical state, and he has been moving in this gracious, surrendered way all throughout these years. Even at times when he made space for rest, he was still in service and responding to matters that arose spontaneously as they were presented to him. And so, over these years, Moojibaba has never really rested in a way that was needed to address the tiredness and rejuvenate his body.

Yet, a few days ago, he called his serving team here at Monte Sahaja and announced that he has begun a period of rest. To support this, we have stopped the visits from the local village sangha and will reduce the activities in Sahaja for several months. Moojibaba’s health, thank God, is good and he is medically well. However, due to the bodily exhaustion accumulated over the years it is clear both to himself and those around him that this time is being auspiciously provided for deep rest and rejuvenation. 

We will close Monte Sahaja for an extended period of time (several months at least) from now. The only exception will be the May guest stay, for which the invitations have already been sent. Other than that, all visits to Monte Sahaja are suspended effective immediately. 

We see this as an important transition period. Already we have seen that Moojibaba’s way of sharing Satsang has evolved in such a way that the pointings have become so simple and direct and there is no longer space for addressing personal issues or for any feeling of neediness that does not serve one’s liberation. This period of closure will provide not only the space for rest but for a new way forward to emerge.

Moojibaba never thinks about nor does anything just ‘for himself’, and we have experienced directly that everything he does supports the whole sangha field. He remains in the knowing that everything is a gift from God. Now, we feel that his greatest service to us is to take the deep rest required.

Throughout this period, we will continue to share Moojibaba’s talks online, including Mooji TV and Sahaja Express. This of course includes the live programs on Sahaja Express, and the contemplations. Sahaja Express remains our core offering and service and our way of sharing Moojibaba’s intimate and current Satsangs with the worldwide Sangha.

We are grateful for the support, strength and love from the sangha. Naturally, it will be a powerful time for all of us, and while Moojibaba is taking this time, we know he remains ever in communion with us.

Thank you.