

On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima, we offer our deepest reverence and gratitude to Moojibaba, as we recognise the immense fortune of walking alongside such a great Master.

The word ‘Guru’ means ‘the dispeller of darkness’ and such a one is a light unto this world. Guru Purnima is a cherished celebration in various traditions, including Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is a day of profound love and veneration, as devotees and seekers of Truth pay homage to their Guru.

Through the grace and guidance of the Guru, we are blessed with the revelation of our inmost being. On this Guru Purnima day, we acknowledge and honour Moojibaba, whose presence and light dispels all delusions, thus establishing the mind in its natural state — unborn Awareness.

Eternal gratitude to our Satguru, Moojibaba.