
Can the Real You Suffer?

9 Apr, 2018 | 10:49 | The Invitation Toolkit

In this excerpt, Moojibaba addresses a letter from someone experiencing chronic pains and insomnia, who is asking for help in the face of these daily difficulties that feel like a steep barrier against realising the Self.

“I can only tell you, just be present in the Is-ness. Something goes to the person—that actually intensifies the sense of suffering.

Sometimes you’re put in a situation where you’re completely helpless—you’ve run out of moves. What to do? You have to face that moment. Don’t predict, be very present. Stay in the Is-ness.”


Excerpt from the Satsang:
Even If You Never See Me Again, Honour What You Have Seen in Your Heart
Zmar, Portugal ~ 24 September 2017

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