Mooji Mooji

Darf ich fragen: Wer bist du?

15 Jan, 2025 | 1:06:14

Moojibaba feels the urge to call a satsang after a few profound encounters with students that are highlighting something important he wants to share with the sangha.

During the talk, one student comes forward with the readiness to meet the Master in the highest way, and they walk together into a very clear, authentic seeing that can serve every genuine seeker of Truth.

“Maya can only work against personhood. Ego’s illusory nature dissolves in the light of pure seeing. It’s your personal spiritual identity that is under attack—God permits that because you can overcome! Your beingness cannot be attacked, it has no enemy.

That in which even the sense of the person and its world, bitter or sweet, are seen—can it itself be seen?”

Monte Sahaja, Portugal
9 January 2025

Uploaded: 15 January 2025