Mooji Mooji

Practical Guidance: From Person to Presence

21 Feb, 2022 | 13:28 | Exercises and Guidances

Upcoming event: Open Satsang with Mooji online on 26 & 27 February, 2022
Find out more here.

During this beautiful encounter, Moojibaba offers us an exercise to keep remembering our true place and to abide in our natural being.

“The more you honour and marinate your attention in the recognition that all things that manifest are perceivable, the more you see that that which perceives them is not trapped in the bubble of that scenario.

As you continue to focus, the sense of someone trying to become something increasingly dissolves in that recognition.

The background of the sense of one’s self shifts from being a personal self-image to the sense of presence, a quality of emptiness and spaciousness.”

28 March 2021
One Sangha Gathering