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If you wish to be set firmly into the heart of Moojibaba’s pointings, this Satsang is for you. From beginning to end, Mooji demonstrates his quintessential pointing — what we are is always just here.
“Mind is telling you ‘near’, but truth is telling you ‘here.’ There is no water to be found in a mirage. If you try to possess Him, He will become like a mirage. If you recognise Him, He will never go away. Awareness is there before ‘before,’ and after ‘after.’”
21 July 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal
Live music before Satsang: “Improvisation on Handpan” by Benno Sinkwitz
Live music after Satsang:
“Om Purnamadah Purnamidam” (traditional Vedic mantra) performed by Laura Dorsett
“Alone as Everything” by Martin Rixen