Mooji Mooji

There’s a Joy Blossoming in Your Heart — Don’t Let the World Trouble You

20 Feb, 2020 | 15:24 | Rishikesh 2020

16 February 2020

Moojibaba responds to a common fear among spiritual aspirants — that by pursuing a spiritual path, they are losing their passion and ambitions in life, that they don’t “fit in” to the world anymore.

“This is a sign, for many people, as they are deepening in their understanding, they are returning home in their own heart… Your journey is an old journey.

To be honest, there is nothing to be sad about. There is a joy in your heart that’s blossoming more and more. Don’t let the world trouble you. Sometimes we are a bit embarrassed to be changed, but you should be happy that things which need to be changed can change. In fact, when you discover the unchanging, you’re much more free to let the wind of change blow out the old dead leaves.

Joy is in you, peace is in you, love is blossoming. It’s so much higher than anything previous.”