Mooji Mooji

Important Change to ‘Satsang of the Week’

We would like to let you know about an important change that was made to our ‘Satsang of the Week’ offering last month, and the way that we share Satsang via our public channels such as YouTube, Facebook and Mooji TV.

Satsang of the Week has been a beautiful heart offering to the worldwide sangha to keep everyone connected to Satsang through a rich and potent weekly offering. This way of sharing Satsang on a fixed weekly schedule has reached a natural conclusion, and we have shifted to a more spontaneous offering. We are continuing to release Satsangs on our usual platforms, however, these releases will not follow a strict schedule but come in the natural ebb and flow of Satsang itself.

The team in Monte Sahaja has been deeply benefiting from Moojibaba’s recent guidance to sit with and fully digest what we have already been offered. There is an abundance of talks available online, and we encourage you to find those pointings that speak to you deeply, and to continue to listen to them so they can come fully alive inside your heart.

In Sahaja we are moving in a similar way, having changed our daily program to make more space for contemplative time, and coming together for Satsang more spontaneously. We will of course continue to release talks and offer ways to be in Satsang, both through our public channels as well as Sahaja Express and events with Mooji.

Satsang Releases & Other Mailing Lists

If you would like to know whenever a new Satsang has been released on our public channels, you are very welcome to sign up to our Satsang Releases mailing list (previously called Satsang of the Week). We only want to send you emails that you would like to receive, so we have several different mailing lists: News & Events, Satsang Releases, Sangha Shop Offerings, and Quote of the Week.

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