

All the latest news and announcements

Sri Ramana Maharshi Jayanti

30 December 1879 – 14 April 1950 ‘The Self is the only One. If it is limited, it is the ego. If unlimited, it is infinite. It is the Reality.’ ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi ‘All seekers of the Truth should turn their heads and hearts towardsSri Ramana Maharshi on this very day and leave them there. For it […]

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Dear Friends, Wishing great peace and joy to you and your loved ones. Thank you for your loving kindness and support you share with us. We remain so deeply touched to be close to the heart of this flourishing community. May that which you most value and love in your life become fulfilled for you. In […]

New Service ~ Satsang of the Week

Dear Friends, We are very happy to announce our new weekly video service: Satsang of the Week. Every Sunday we will be posting a new video for everyone following Mooji worldwide to tune in to. These videos will generally be an hour or so in length and provide some of the most powerful and insightful moments […]

Open Satsang with Mooji – India 2019

Dear Friends, We are very happy to let you know that Mooji has been invited to share four weeks of Open Satsang in Rishikesh, India from 13 February to 10 March, 2019.   These four weeks of Satsang offer a powerful opportunity to be immersed in the energy field of Satsang in the holy city of […]

Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar – 100th Jayanti

Dear Ones, We are very happy to share this message from Moojibaba in honour of Sri Yogi Ramsuratkumar’s 100th Jayanti celebrating the anniversary of his birth. We take the opportunity on this special day to appreciate and imbibe the blessing and influence of one of India’s most beloved saints. In meeting Yogi Ramsuratkumar in January […]

Beloved One ~ New Music Album

Dear Friends,  We are delighted to announce the release of this refreshing and lively ‘devotional blues’ album, including the grace-infused song, ‘Beloved One’. Blending the elements of blues with the subtle flavours of Indian raga, this album effortlessly brings you to rest in the heart of love and joy. Krishna Prasad’s heart-stirring singing and musicianship […]

Welcome to the New Website!

Dear Friends,  This website has been created for you. We deeply appreciate that for many of you, this site is the main way of connecting with Mooji’s latest Satsangs, events and news, as well as being a gateway to accessing the many heartfelt offerings such as daily quotes, books, music and photos with Moojibaba.  May […]

Papaji Jayanti – 13 October 1910

Today we celebrate the birthday of Sri H.W.L. Poonja, lovingly called ‘Papaji’, the Master of our most beloved Moojibaba.  Prostrations at your holy feet, beloved Papaji. Endless gratitude for having revealed our Master Moojibaba to us. In him we meet you, the timeless, ever-perfect One, through him, you continue to shower your grace upon us, and lead us from darkness […]

An Invitation to Freedom ~ Now in the US and Canada

Dear Friends, We are delighted to let you know that Mooji’s latest book and audiobook, An Invitation to Freedom, has just been released in the US and Canada by New Harbinger Publications. An Invitation to Freedom is a profoundly clear and direct pointing leading to Self-realization. If you are longing for this and the urge to be […]

Photos with Mooji – Haarlem

We’re very happy to share with you the photos from the Satsangs that took place in Haarlem, the Netherlands, on 4 August 2018.  Photos — Satsang with Mooji in Haarlem We hope you enjoy! Love, Mooji Photography team

Photos with Mooji – London, July 2018

We’re very happy to share with you the photos from the Satsang events that took place in London, UK—July 2018. An Evening with Mooji at the Light, Friends House — 9 July Satsang with Mooji at Troxy (12 July) We hope you enjoy! Love, Mooji Photography team

Live-Stream Retreat at Kripalu

We are very pleased to announce that Mooji will be giving a special event at Kripalu in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, USA on the weekend of 7 – 9 September 2018. In this unprecedented retreat, Mooji will be live-streamed from Portugal and offers Satsang solely to the community onsite at Kripalu in an intimate live broadcast event. […]