Mooji Mooji


Today we celebrate the timeless presence and
Jayanti (birthday) of Sri HWL Poonja, our beloved Papaji.

Endless gratitude to Papaji, the master of Moojibaba.
In Moojibaba we meet you, the timeless, ever-perfect One.
Through him, you continue to shower your grace upon us,
and lead us from darkness to light;
through him, we come to see the love, joy
and beauty of true being;
through him, you bless our lives with auspiciousness.


“Only the Truth is and you are That!
You are the unchanging Awareness in which all activity takes place.
To deny this is to suffer, to know this is Freedom.
It is not difficult to realize this because it is your True Nature.
Simply inquire ‘Who am I?’ and watch carefully.
Do not make effort and do not stir a thought.
Look within, approach with all-devotion and stay as Heart.
Keep vigilant and you will see that nothing will arise.
This is the trick of how to keep the mind quiet
and how to win Freedom.

This doesn’t take time because Freedom is always Here.
You simply have to watch:
where does mind arise from?
Where does thought come from?
What is the source of this thought?
Then you will see that you have always been Free
and that everything has been a dream.”

~ Papaji

Emptiness Cannot Be Broken
We are also happy to share the following compilation
created by Papaji’s Avadhuta Foundation for Papaji’s 111th Jayanti.