Mooji Mooji

Learn to Observe: Look But Don’t Link

8 Dec, 2019 | 1:56:23

This Satsang is a gem for all. From the seed of one question, Moojibaba addresses the full spectrum of humanity’s quest for truth. He reveals the essence and the cornerstones not only of what can seem to hinder our awakening, but also the marvellousness and simplicity of finding and abiding as that which we truly are.

“I am here to point out your full nature. If you are determined to be free, nothing can stop you from being free. Satsang is going to be the nest where Buddhas are hatched — where Christ consciousness comes alive again.”

1 December 2019
Monte Sahaja, Portugal

Live music before Satsang: “Grace” by Sam Garrett (available on the album Grace by Sam Garrett)

Live music after Satsang: “I Am Here” by Sebata Manyofa, Gotama & Omkara, performed by Sebata Manyofa, Omkara, Gotama & Omraj (more info about Sebata on Facebook)