Mooji Mooji

The Unveiling of Your True Nature

31 Jul, 2018 | 1:46:04

UK Book-Launch of Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space
Interview and Satsang with Moojibaba

In support of the launch of the U.K. hardcover edition of “Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space,” Moojibaba had the opportunity to sit with Mark Booth (publisher from Hodder & Stoughton) and Peter Stanford (author and journalist) in a very beautiful dialogue and interview. Their conversation touches on Mooji’s own spiritual journey and gives a beautiful introduction to what Satsang is all about.

After the interview, Moojibaba presented ‘An Invitation to Freedom’ to give us the first hand experience of the universal Truth that Satsang points to.

This meeting presents a profound opportunity to experience Moojibaba’s teachings and come into the direct recognition of our timeless nature.


More information about Vaster Than Sky, Greater Than Space can be found here.

Music after Satsang: “Filling Up My Eyes” by Anna Ling

Recorded in London, UK
9 July 2018