Mooji Mooji

Your Awakening Is Your Gift to the World

3 May, 2020 | 30:15

“How can I purge this stubborn fear of death?”
This fear of losing loved ones is seemingly standing in the way of freedom.

A very beautiful and rich excerpt in which a questioner comes to rest in the understanding of her ever-perfect nature. She expresses great gratitude for the guidance shared. Moojibaba shares many beautiful analogies and powerful pointings which invite us into experiential recognition.

“I don’t see anything standing in the way of your freedom. By honouring yourself, you are the gift. Discover the gem of your own self, a hidden beauty.

This is your uncreated self, and it is always stable, always peaceful, always true, always loving, it is always open and it is imperishable. Beautiful — beauty full.”

This talk is an excerpt from the Satsang, “Your Awakening Is Your Gift to the World”
Online Weekend Retreat
26 April 2020 | Afternoon Satsang