
Online Disinformation & Slander

Resources and Sharings about Online Negativity

An Important Letter from Shree

Managing Director of Monte Sahaja

Dear Sangha,

My name is Shree and I am the Managing Director of Monte Sahaja. I am writing this letter to the worldwide Sangha; some of you may know me from the opening announcements at Moojibaba’s Satsangs. It is rare that you see me outside of those moments, as my work often happens behind the scenes. But I feel the time is right for me to speak up on the topic of hateful slander on the internet, directed at Moojibaba and our Sangha.

I speak with the experience of 18 years of not only knowing Moojibaba, but living and working by his side. I have been living in Monte Sahaja since the first month of its existence; I came to help out for a few months, and felt so fulfilled and nourished that I remain here to this day.

When I met him in India in 2005, Mooji was known by only a few who accidentally discovered him, sipping chai in a chai shop, and were so touched by his presence that they asked him some questions about life and Truth. From there, it has grown organically and today, millions of people have watched and benefitted from his Satsangs freely offered on YouTube. Mooji has traveled far and wide offering Satsang to those who invited him – those with a thirst for his sharings. Thousands have met him in person in the Satsangs that he has shared in cities around the world.

For those who have never actually met Mooji: It is not uncommon for Moojibaba to spend 16 and more hours a day with people from our team, working on one project or another, sharing Satsang, and so on. There is no division such as ‘his life’ and ‘satsang’. They are one and the same — an unending flow of genuine caring service and love.


Most of you are blissfully unaware of what is happening on the Internet, and for that I am happy. But for those of you who have seen hateful slander online, I must ask for your attention. Anyone who knows me knows that it is not my style to engage in personal retaliation, particularly to online hate groups, but I feel it is important for the sangha to know where we stand with the hateful behavior like you see in some online groups.

Sadly, lies, misinformation, and hatred are commonplace nowadays. It is rampant in our societies and particularly online, where people can hide behind fake names and faces, and sling mud while never showing their true identities.

It is abhorrent to me to have to list the things being said in these hate groups, but for the purpose of this letter, I must. There are accusations, for example, that Moojibaba encourages or demands worship and devotion to his physical form (absolutely false), that people are encouraged to leave their friends and families (absolutely false), that people are hypnotised and brainwashed (absolutely false), and most abhorrently, that there is sexual abuse and promiscuity advocated and practiced by Moojibaba himself (absolutely false).


I have always wondered, who are these people posting such hatred and why do they have so much hate? I know that such actions are rampant in the world these days, and that public figures, particularly those who bring light into the world, must withstand attacks on their character. Nonetheless, it was still shocking to myself and to the sangha to read such fabrications.

Most of the people writing the posts are not known to us, and have no direct connection with Moojibaba nor the Sangha. The source of their negativity is inaccuracies and untruths, based on lies and misinformation or plain differences of opinion about styles of gratitude and spiritual instruction.

We know that some people joining these groups are very innocent, and easily believe whatever they read. This is rampant in the world today.

Some who post really believe in a personal cause, from their own past unpleasant or harmful experiences in other communities or with other teachers. They read about our community and our teacher, and it reminds them of a harmful or threatening experience from their past. Then, they take up a case against us, believing that we must be the same as what they have encountered elsewhere. They feel they are fighting a good cause — and indeed their own personal cause may be very worthy and valid. But they have no direct experience with our community. 

When we see openness, we are very willing to reach out and speak, and often these misconceptions are easily cleared up.

But most importantly, some of the people posting are very aware of what they are doing: intentionally, skillfully and quite cruelly fabricating rumors and lies. They enjoy this. They are specifically targeting our community and Moojibaba. We are aware of the identities of a few such people. In some cases it seems that an unresolved misunderstanding or resentment from long ago festered and distorted over time into a hatred for Moojibaba and the Sangha. We see this in deliberate attempts to discredit him in any way they can, often with outrageous claims that are absolutely untrue or a twisted version of something quite normal that occurred in my presence.

Please do not take this lightly. Negativity and hateful rumors have a power to them. They can suck you in if you are not careful. You want to read more and more, and it is not healthy. You know from your own experience the feeling of lightness and peace that comes from reading something pure and true, versus reading lies and slander. If associating with certain kinds of activities or people makes us feel heavy within ourselves, it is best to avoid them, without judging them. You must decide for yourself what is in service to your awakening.


We have sometimes heard our community falsely described as an ‘isolated community’, a ‘cult’, or a ‘compound’ where terrible things happen behind the scenes. I feel to share a bit about our life here.

Monte Sahaja is a community of more than 100 people from all over the world. We range in age from 23 to 70+. We are roughly half male and half female, coming from diverse backgrounds, economic standings and levels of education. What we have in common is our dedication to our own spiritual path, and our love for Moojibaba — his pointings, and his service to the worldwide Sangha.

Our community is unique. It is not a community for the sake of community living. We have come together to serve the larger worldwide Sangha that thirsts for the wisdom of Moojibaba, whose light is truly making a positive, lasting change in this world.

At the heart of our community at Monte Sahaja is a genuine love and care for one another. We are like modern day monks with our focus on our spiritual growth and understanding. We work together, serving the Sangha. And we also eat together, we laugh a lot and enjoy one another’s company. We are integrated in the local community here in Portugal; we live here. Our family members from all over the world come to visit us. Many of them begin to follow Satsang and return home with great love and respect for what is happening here, as they see we have grown tremendously thanks to the guidance of our Master. 

We see real and lasting change in ourselves and in one another. It is a beautiful life. Actually, it is through our work and our life together that the Satsang really does its magic. It is in the day-to-day ‘stuff’ that our personal issues show themselves, and with such a supportive community and with the presence of the pointings of Moojibaba, we can see ourselves in a true light and rise above. And, this kind of miraculous and lasting change is happening all over the world, with those following Satsang with Moojibaba from their homes, and in the many sangha groups that gather together around the world.

In closing, dear Sangha: we do not intend to be responding ongoingly to such online campaigns. But it is right to speak up for those whom we love around the world, who want to hear our voice on this matter.

Please know that being part of such hate groups, even if you do not comment or go to them regularly, supports the spread of abhorrent misinformation, and contributes to its reach. When you come upon such negativity and hatred that contradicts your own direct experience, consider it as a moment to check the facts, check within yourself, and make your own inner stand with what you intuitively know to be true.

Managing Director, Monte Sahaja 


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Marianne Schmidt
18 days ago

Mooji is an incarnation of a clear Light for all of us to see. There are those who cannot see it – do not understand what truth and Light are. This is how it has always been throughout the ages and hateful slander is the “Darkness that cannot stand the Light”. Give it no energy and it will disappear like dew before the sun.

18 days ago

Mooji is Beautiful. A being of love, he wants everyone to know the beauty that “is” right where they are. Mooji isn’t looking to take the place of “ anything”. Mooji is in a very loving place and at the same time having people see him as “ physical” when he wants not to be seen as the physical yet necessary for “ time” Mooji is a beautiful light that we have been graced with.

Renee Wendy
2 months ago

I am completely confident that this guru is speaking on behalf of God and only kindness flows from him. For 5 years listening to Mooji live in-person and live-broadcast, no impropriety, not even a small one. Once there was an accidental double entendré and Mooji blushed and didn’t push it further. Such a good heart. I saw at a free public Satsang once, Mooji responded to a sudden verbal assault with deeply respectful words, and the disruption was quickly ended by those nearby taking the microphone. If anything arises in OLD AGE (we all know a good elder family member who blurts faux pas) the community Mooji will deal with that situation properly. Mooji and his followers are proper, kind, insightful people who react promptly so unwelcome occurrences without running around like chickens! .

3 months ago

Hello Shree. I started listening to Moojibaba about four years ago on YouTube. For two years I listened every morning and every night. Now I enjoy the peace of being a lot of the day, but, intentionally observe my person immediately when a negative feeling or tinge of stress arises letting me know that our attention has fallen back into the personal identity. I find to be true something Moojibaba said long ago, that these are opportunities to clarify our identity as a part of the eternal one. My entire understanding of holiness has been turned inside out…As for your letter, I did not know about bad things being said about our wonderful spiritual father, Moojibaba, who has helped to save us from our minds and its war against our peace. We should not be surprised, because, whoever does a great healing in this world draws the wrath of those who are bound (look what they did to Jesus). I love Moojibaba though I have never met him, and I am grateful that you have taken this stand– though most of us international Sangha probably have not noticed the false claims. Mooji is a gem to share his teachings. In closing, because of Mooji’s pointings, “I,” the person have been led into the presence of the I inside of the I, my own true immense presence-a light that will never go out–(what Grace!), not even when the earth body dies. I hope to visit Monte Sahaja one day to sit with the Sangha, but in case that is not to be, please express our thankfulness to our beloved teacher. With love, and gratitude. Sister Tekla of North Carolina, USA

4 months ago

I’m not aware of what’s been going on on the Internet. All I know is that Mooji is pure love As we all are💗 Everything is coming to the surface now

Daniel S.
7 months ago

Anyone who knows Mooji for a while, even just on YouTube, knows that such allegations are false. They simply do not fit to his selflessly caring attitude that is prevalent in all of his interactions, nor to the message he is conveying, nor to the positive attitude that his followers spread.
Such unjustified allegations are commonly made against all kinds of spiritual groups, and any spiritual group is at risk of being unjustly accused in such a way. I am sure that there is nothing whatsoever in the Sahaja community that may have triggered this.
Throughout my life, I regularly came across documentaries where other spiritual groups were accused of the exact same things. This seems to be a pattern. There is a certain mindset that some people have, where all spiritual groups that have a guru or “leader” are brain-washing organizations that are out to manipulate people in order to make money, demand worship or in order to sexually abuse them. Such mindsets are the result of real-world examples where things like that happen, but they sadly lead to over-generalization.
Fortunately, the only ones who may believe such slander are those who do not really know Mooji.

Darin Walker
9 months ago

I don’t need convincing. I have the undeniable self-evident proof of Mooji’s impact on my life, and I wouldn’t change it for ANYTHING!

If someone came to me and offered a time machine to take me back to the moment I learned of Mooji for the first time, and to alter that moment to have me not learn of him, I would look at them as if they were completely insane. In fact, if I chose to use this time machine to go back in time to that moment, I would use it to make me more serious to take a good look into Mooji’s teachings/pointings, because when I first learned of Mooji, I liked what I saw and heard, but I allowed my ego to distract me away for a few years doing other interests. I could just kick myself for doing that. All those years of suffering needlessly when I could have ended it right then.

I started watching Mooji’s videos regularly on YouTube again this last year, and now it’s almost all day I spend with him. This last year with Mooji on YouTube, alone, has exponentially (if I can use that word) propelled me light years in my awakening, compared to all the previous years (I’m 59 at the time of this comment), out of the quagmire of my crippled path of enlightenment.

I am so grateful for Mooji in my life, that I would literally bow and cry at his feet. Something I would never have considered doing with anyone EVER during my life on Earth. NOT because I worship him as a Man or a God figure, but because of how thankful I am to him, as God’s vehicle, for rescuing me from my years of self-imposed suffering of this confused path to truth I have been on. Mooji is the first ever I would consider showing this kind of love for. I already know he does NOT require OR desire this kind of devotion expression from ANYONE, but simply allows it because so many feel this way that I do, and for probably the same reasons.

I need no convincing of Mooji’s authenticity as a true Master Teacher of truth and enlightenment. I have all the evidence within, and NOTHING can remove that evidence, since that evidence and I are one and the same.

If I ever have the chance to meet, have Satsang, just talk, or show love to Mooji and all of you, in person, I am going to take it. Right now I am trying to bring my life to a minimalist lifestyle, so I can start working on that project.

With my Love Shree, May You, Mooji, and the Whole Sanga Be Happy and Well for all the days coming.

Darin Walker

Yes, you can feel free to use this comment, or any part of it, in any manner you please if it helps this great work all of you are doing. I will personally testify to it to anyone in the world. Just contact me at if you need me for ANYTHING.

What a waste of life for anyone to spend their days hating anyone else, for any reason. Even if it seems someone deserves it. It ONLY hurts the hater, in the end. May such people be truly blessed with eyes to see the error of hateful thinking before it hurts them further.

Christine Lamothe
10 months ago

I went and read some of the things being spoken. I didn’t want to feed it but I also wanted to see what it felt like to tune in to their perspective and also to test my connection to Mooji’s teachings. I’ve generally been easily distracted from what I truly want so it was to be a good test for me.

I felt compassion for these people who are stuck in the wheel and when they hear such truths from such a pure place of love it hits too hard and they lash out.

I send blessings to their hearts and pray they find their way. At some point we all get tired of hitting the same wall and tending to the wound.

A part of my wanted to get closer to some of those people to hear their stories and gain comprehension but I see this would be a distraction from my important work at this time of being present for myself in these teachings.

This last intensive just allowed me to be introduced to Christ, to my Self, through Mooji ‘s practical and loving teachings.

I feel sincerely blessed in this lifetime to have a living master to help guide me. I’ve been praying for this for 30 years.

I look forward to sitting at sahaja together to be fully submerged in the trust of Pure Awareness.. the Supreme. I Am!

Thank you 🙏🏼

Renee Wendy
2 months ago

✨✨✨🙏🏽✨ 🙏🏼✨✨✨
You and me pray with the same heart.

Ashok Kumar Madaan
1 year ago

Dear shree. I am a new person to enter mooji Sangha. I am at present 67 year old and I am on spiritual path since the age of 39 years. I have got initiation from 4/5 spiritual gurus in India but couldn’t find peace and happiness. A few days back say 5/6 months back I happened to come across meditation video of Mooji baba on YouTube. I listened to the video and found it very helpful and satisfying. So I subscribed to the channel. Thereafter as a curious person I wanted to know more about Mooji baba so I searched the internet and came across the adverse things and I became doubtful and so I unsubscribe mooji baba thinking that he is a fraud. However thereafter with the mercy of grace I again happened to read your letter to the Sangha and came to know the truth. I again started guided meditation as per guidance of mooji baba and I am now daily doing this and find immense pleasure. I thank you for having cleared all the doubts. It is my earnest desire to meet mooji baba in person to get initiation.
Thanks and regards
Ashok Kumar

Sarath Sankaranarayanan
1 year ago

Dear shree,We know our our master is true.Truth is God.This life is in service for Truth!
May by Master’s grace let us be in complete surrender to that emptiness.

1 year ago

. Love shine from your words. Each one made me remember the experience of being in Sahaja and my choice to stay with Light!

1 year ago

Dear Shree, beloved Mooji Baba
at first I want to thank you all from deep within my heart for bringing so much light, joy and peace into my life! To me Mooji is the new Moses that Bob Marley was singing about. He could have the potential to lead the whole of mankind to freedom. And therefore the Babylon- system has recognized him as a dangerous enemy.
So now at first they try to spoil everything by spreading pure lies and desinfomation. It is paining me deep inside to hear about such wicked and evil campaigns going on against Mooji! But anyhow I feel that the Rastapeople are right when they say it is prophecy fullfillment time now and soon evilness will be exposed in the light of god all over the planet so that each and everyone can see what is going on!
I was loving Mooji from the first moment I saw a photo of him on Pinterest. Your mantra is Thank You was written underneath the picture. Since that time I have watched a lot of his videos on You-Tube and every time I saw him I could feel all the loving vibrations he was spreading. So it is just about checking the vibes if you want to know if this thing is right or not. But the wicked ones are so much ruled by their evil mind and their ego that will betray them at least that they are not able to check right from wrong. So it is like Jesus said: Father forgive them because they do not know what they are doing. Otherwise it will be like Sugar Minott was singing: … and they will feel so sick when Jah touch them with him stick.
All my love to you Mooji and the whole Sangha
guidance and protection

1 year ago

Thank you Shree, for bringing this kind of darkness into the light, and providing a space where we can speak about this.
This kind of gossip and accusations about great Masters and prophets are ancient old – nothing original here. If anything, this only shows the greatness of Moojibaba and that his pointings have true effect on humanity. Thankfully, I’ve never encountered this kind of gossip online about my Master. But nonetheless, it’s important to me to speak up.
In my own experience, Moojibaba is the probably the only one I’ve encountered that never ever asked anything from me, except to look within. He is the embodiment of purity, integrity and respect. All he ever does – tirelessly – is point to the light and power within myself. It’s because of Mooji and his wisdom, love and dedication to Truth, that I’m saved from a live of mistrust and suffering into an unbreakable peace and joy.
Everything in Monte Sahaja evolves about our liberation, in the most truthful and pure and direct way. It’s the most loving place and sangha I know. Sahaja is the once place where I can be totally naturally myself. If I could only covey how healing this has been.
God bless you Guruji. Thank God you’re here. So grateful that you came into our lives to show us who we truly are: pure consciousness. This world is a much better place because because of you. Glory to you.

Last edited 1 year ago by Samiyah
Mary Jane
1 year ago

Namaste Shree, and thank you for your letter.

I came across some misinformation about Moojibaba once, and it was disturbing and hurtful to read, but because it was not aligned with the truth of my own experience, I just let it pass. I’ve attended a few retreats at Zmar in the past 9 years since coming to Mooji’s teachings and pointings. My experience has only been absolutely beautiful, stunningly beautiful. My experience was only that of warmth, love, respect, kindness, and utmost dedication and professionalism, by all of the team. And the pointings have only had a profound, lasting, positive impact on my interior, and exterior experience of life, just as Mooji said they would. They have been life saving, and life giving. Moojibaba is a true living saint, the real deal, and we are so blessed to have him with us in our lives and in our Heart.

It’s good to speak up and address such things, if we feel moved to, but I also feel our most powerful position is just what Mooji points to. I can hear his voice say, “continue your practice, your silent sittings, to establish in beingness”. This is the most powerful “thing” we can do. I trust that this will have the most powerful impact, not just because Mooji says so, but because it is also what I am directly experiencing.

With much love and blessings to You, Mooji and the Sangha,

Mary Jane

Gitasri Lenka Bacikova
1 year ago
Reply to  Mary Jane

What you write, Mary Jane, resonates here so much.

Pilar Vivancos
1 year ago

Thank you for this letter. I have been to Monte Sahaja several times and since I have met Mooji and his sangha I have found only unconditional love, kindness, empathy for all and especially for those who suffer. 
His life is completely dedicated to others and to the truth. I want to express my complete support for Moojibaba and his teachings, and my wish that all ignorance will be dispelled in favour of Truth. A sincere embrace

1 year ago

Thank you Shree,
Thank you Sangha,
Thank you Monte Sahaja,
Thank You Moojibaba.


Hanno krauhs
1 year ago

Namaste Shree
Thank you for this letter.
I am following Moojibaba for quite some time now and not very long ago, for the first time I came across this online negativity against Mooji and the Sangha.
Although I have never been to Sahaja yet and never had close contact with Moojibaba, I instantly knew that all this can’t be true. My mind bought into it and came up with all those doubts, but it didn’t take long to see that these were all just ugly clouds passing.
Moojibaba often says that the divine sends us things to test us in our discernment, maybe that’s what all this is.
I almost feel sorry for those people, being so caught up in their mind that they cant’t even see the light when it’s right in front of them.
I am forever grateful for Moojibaba and his team and Sangha in Sahaja.
Lots of love!!


1 year ago

I also want to say Thank you for the support of Mooji, Sahaja & the international sangha. After coming from practicing vipassana, I longed for this supportive energy field & am so grateful for Mooji’s love & dedication to Truth & for sharing it with us all. The openess to every being that comes, the naturalness of the pointings & the natural way of moving in daily life. Thank you for reminding us of the light where so often in the world it is reflecting separation and personal identity. Every blade of grass, every Stone at Sahaja is infused with the pure expression of love. Before I met Mooji, I never had the courage to look inside which such earnestness. Thank you for your sharing. May this sangha be fully blessed 🙏🌸

Leslie Silva
1 year ago

All love to you. I always love seeing your welcoming spirit at the beginnings of retreat so thank you. There has never been, nor will there ever be, a person who brings such light will not be challenged by the dark. Even if every one of these accusations are true, it’s doesn’t matter. The truth of the pointings is greater than the person they shine thru. We are humans. The pointings are larger than anything or person that this world can offer. I am not saying that I believe any of these accusations. Nor am I saying rise above. I am merely stating that collectively, the truth will always prevail, regardless of circumstance or judgement. Mooji is a supreme guide. I am forever grateful to all of you.

Gitasri Lenka Bacikova
1 year ago

Thank you for this letter, dear Shree. I came across one of the messages when I was looking up something on internet and couldn’t believe my eyes. I spent some time in Monte Sahaja a quite a few times, so of course I knew it’s completely ridiculous. At the same time from the message it was obvious that the person believes what they are writing, and it bothered me how this is even possible. It’s very true what you write. And very sad that beings in Monte Sahaja have to deal with this.
But like it is said in John 1:5: In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
Guruji and Monte Sahaja are this light. Thank you for everything and God bless you all.

Judith Redoli
1 year ago

Beloved Shree, thank you for your letter. I’ve been to Sahaja several times throughout the years and every time was an intense and beautiful experience that bore sweet fruits. I feel I will never be able to thank Mooji Baba enough for his presence in my life, his love, and his kindness. His grace touched me deeply. Being in Sahaja and witnessing the way you move there has been most inspiring and life-changing. God bless you all.

1 year ago

Thank you Shree for your letter, I stand with Moojibaba and the sangha, I lived in Monte Sahaja for a few years, it’s a very pure, honest and open sangha full of love and kindness to one another and dedicated to serving those who seek truth, Moojibaba selflessly gives all his life to helping us recognise our true nature and find this peace within our self,I am very grateful to him and the sangha .love and blessings to my beloved Master Moojibaba and all the sangha

1 year ago

Thank you Shree for posting this , I was not aware. I have been following mooji Baba for approximately 7 years now and I have listened to all the satsangs right from I think 2014 I have very much respect for the master many things have changed in my life I feel so grateful that I got to meet him ; not on person but in sprit a gift of Grace….one day I was searching and searching and I said to myself okay I’m ready I’m ready to meet the master and they say when you’re ready the master will find you and then one day he appeared on my Facebook page and the mantra was “nothing” if there has to be a mantra “nothing can be a mantra “and that was the first time I had come across mooji baba… we all know that light will prevail …again thank you for posting this and yes I agree that you read negative you can maybe perhaps fall into it…. you read light and you become light ..I do agree with that and it is best that if you come across negativity once you’re aware that hey this isn’t, I do not agree with this you stop reading …bless you sister bless all of you all of you Sanga 🙏

1 year ago
Reply to  jzrcourt

I apologize ..the mantra was Thank You…if there is only one mantra for you let it be “thank you”…this was 7 years ago …I thought it was “no thing” but I remember now it was “thank you” 🙏

1 year ago

so beautifully shared “truth about our beloved Pointer”, thank u Mooji, Shree and all

1 year ago

Thank you to Shree and Siddhartha for these words of wisdom and truth.
These hateful allegations of my beloved Master are unequivocally false; they are baseless, absurd, and utterly detestable. Because of this, it pains my heart to even be talking about it and giving this any energy. And yet, it’s not only necessary but right to stand up for what is true.
I’ve been following Moojibaba’s satsangs since 2013 and have had the privilege of living both in the area near Sahaja and more recently on the land of Sahaja for many years now. Moojibaba is a great sage and it’s a profound blessing that we are walking with him at this time. Through his unwavering dedication to Truth, he is devoted to helping as many as possible to wake up, offering guidance that is both profoundly simple and yet life-saving.
In today’s world, it’s exceedingly rare to know of someone who is truly as selfless and pure-hearted as him. And yet, we witness and directly experience this of our Master every day — how his very existence is only for selflessly serving our awakening. Even on a human and practical level, he cares for each one so completely. His light is touching us all. Thank you, Guruji! 
And Monte Sahaja is a true light on this earth, devoted only to this self-discovery. The community here, because of our Master’s guidance, moves in love, mutual respect, kindness, honesty, and selfless service. Due to this atmosphere of truth at Sahaja, I’ve experienced that anything untrue that might be playing inside is immediately exposed and cannot survive. Challenges naturally come, of course, and are an integral part of our satsang and opportunity in daily life. 
God bless everyone and all those who are suffering from dark and negative states. And may blessings continue to shower upon this sangha.
I stand firmly with this sangha and in the light of my Master. 
God bless you Guruji.

1 year ago

Oh beloved, do not be sad. Whoever can hate like this must have loved very much. The truth is unaffected by this. And it is of this truth that Mooji speaks, and not only he. Fear is only a very small aspect of the truth, like hatred, or insecurity. So do not worry.

Raven Wild
1 year ago

Beloved Moojibaba, Shree, Siddhartha and Sangha,
What a strange and challenging time we live in with instant worldwide communication. How sad that it’s being such a distortion of all that is true and beautiful regarding Beloved Mooji, Sangha and Monte Sahaja.
I was routed to one of the hate groups on Facebook because of my following of Moojiji online. I was appalled and shocked by the hate and even seeming glee of people to disparage Beloved Mooji, beloved Sangha and Monte Sahaja.
It brought to mind here so much of the persecution and hatred of Jesus and his disciples, just on a much broader platform. As an elder I am not as ruled by social media as those born into it and it being prevalent in their daily lives. It’s been extremely disappointing to see how much negativity, shaming, blaming and pure hatred seems to exist all over the different social media platforms. Here it’s just intensified the need for truth and freedom. To rise above the identity that gets caught in these false egoic dramas.
I’m not clear if it matters or feels important to Mooji and Sahaja to try to do anymore to try to dispell the false accusations and rumors or not. An idea occured here that having a series of videos showing day to day life in Monte Sahaja and interviews with various Sangha members sharing a typical day might be helpful. There are some older videos on this sight where a few individuals are interviewed and it helped make the Sangha more real.
All I know is to deepen my commitment to following the pointings and continue to be an example of the love that burns continuously because of Moojibaba’s guidance.
May all beings find Truth and Freedom. Om, Shanti, Shanti, Shanti

1 year ago
Reply to  Raven Wild


1 year ago

Excellent, well done.

1 year ago

Thank you Shree for writing this letter and for shining the light of truth in the face of this despicable darkness. May it serve as an opportunity for each of us to stand firm in the truth we are.

I can’t tell you how grateful I am for Guruji. He saved me, because of his pointings and his love, there is an unwavering peace in my heart, and I am happy beyond measure. I have lived in Monte Sahaja for several years now and I witness daily that the only purpose for his life is to selflessly serve those in search of liberation by guiding us to the truth of ourselves. For myself, there is no greater example than Moojibaba of a life lived with integrity, love and wisdom. How he cares for each one he meets with such love and respect. He asks nothing of us and gives so tirelessly out of his love for all. This world is blessed by his light!

God bless you Guruji! What a privilege to walk this life with you and this sangha family. Infinite gratitude for you. I love you and stand with you always. Amara

Kamal Keyal
1 year ago

Thank you so much Shree, for expressing these beautiful words on all of our behalf.

I met Guruji (Moojibaba) in 2015 in Rishikesh and the moment I came in his presence I experienced deep peace and love, which I never experienced in my life before, since then I have been following his guidance, which completely transformed my life. I have been visiting Monte Sahaja almost every year since 2016 and I experience the same divine love and peace in his ashram. I always feel that I am home, whenever I visit Monte Sahaja.

I am very sorry to hear these false accusations on Guruji. I would only say that the one who is in his/her heart can only recognize Moojibaba. Thank you so much Guruji for your love, Grace and light. Bless you

Love and Gratitude

kalyani scheel
1 year ago

Thank you for being a voice for us and expressing so truthfully with these letters, Shree and Sid. I fully stand with what you are saying, I stand with Moojibaba and us, the Sangha. I have been living in Monte Sahaja since 7 years and Moojibaba has saved my life and keeps on saving it every day. It breaks my heart to hear such allegations towards him, knowing no one more pure and honest than him. I don’t know anyone in this World with such integrity, love, and selflessness like him, and it is such a great honour to call him my Master. He truly gives his entire life to those who seek Truth and he has no “other private life”, he doesn’t keep anything for himself. I can testify to this through the privilege of living with him here in Sahaja for all those years. Thank you, Guruji, for this light you reveal in our hearts and which dispels all darkness.
Endless love & gratitude,

1 year ago

Namaste Shree, I love your devotion to self/Mooji/God. It’s always been very inspiring to me. There’s nothing that anybody could say that would ever change my connection to my father. He is my life, myself, I don’t know what I would do without him in my life. I am so incredibly thankful to you and the Sangha all over the world as well. There’s not a retreat that I have missed since I began with Mooji back in 2012. Sending you so much love and light. Thank you for your unending love and protective Shiva nature for our beloved Mooji.
Warmly, Kirsten

Verena Moser
1 year ago

Thank you so much Shree for your clear and direct response.
I have visited Monte Sahaja many times over the past 9 years, and I have personally witnessed that what you write in your letter is completely true. I consider it a privilege to be able to live a life in satsang with Moojibaba as my Master, and my heart is full of gratitude for this opportunity. I stand for my Master’s integrity and I stand for the truth of his pointings.
His sole interest is to share his teachings with those who are called to him, and to support and encourage all that seek to discover their true nature to transcend the mind. He does so with utmost integrity, care and tireless love, and in fact makes it very clear that he has no interest in any personal connections whatsoever. He is only here to serve our awakening.
I have witnessed the team living in Monte Sahaja grow in openness, honesty, wisdom, love and maturity over the years in a way that I have not seen anyone else grow within the same time frame. This is a clear reflection of Moojibaba’s high standards with regards to internal attitude, service and ethical behaviour.
Through following Mooji’s teachings, I have discovered peace and contentment that I have never known before. He has saved me from a life full of suffering.
It is upsetting and painful to watch the negativity and hateful attacks directed at Moojibaba and his teachings on social media. Nevertheless I take it as an important opportunity to look inside myself to identify and transcend negativity, judgement, hatred and personal perspectives.
I trust and pray that we will use this opportunity to strengthen in truth as a sangha and in our seeing. That we are open to feedback, honest and defenseless in our interactions, and true to what we feel in our hearts.
With full love and gratitude

1 year ago

Thank you Shree and Siddhartha for your authentic sharing 
There appear to be many atrocities going on in the world today and much deceit and attempts to manipulate, control and dominate people, it seems 
It feels like what is presented is often an inversion of reality somehow 
What is portrayed as light is often dark 
and what is portrayed as dark is actually light!
‘Fair is foul and foul is fair’ Macbeth 

Thank goodness for places like Monte Sahaja that are a beacon of light, truth, simplicity, love and peace.  
Thank God for Mooji who’s humble simple life is dedicated to alleviate suffering and bring unity and awakening to the one indivisible True Self 
Monte Sahaja is a centre for Self Realisation. A place for beings to come and awaken to their own true nature and find lasting happiness and freedom from the grip of the ego mind.  Also it is so much more that a physical place – it is our own ‘natural state’
Ego identity is the real tyrant in this life and Mooji simply offers a way (as have many sages) to observe and transcend this tyranny and discover the pure limitless heart of being.  
The womb of compassion 
I have been around this beautiful sangha and Mooji for 10 years and been to many retreats and have stayed at Monte Sahaja several times for long periods 
What a blessing!  
Never have I sensed anything remotely like what has been described in some of these unfortunate misleading portrayals online.  
I do not accept these as true at all.  
I have always felt so blessed by this auspiciousness and the effects on my life have been so profound and beautiful. The vibration of love and light in the sangha field is so uplifting, supportive and inspiring. Creativity flows so harmoniously in the Sahaja and I have always experienced Mooji to be full of love for everyone and everything. He sees the highest in each one. In this we are truly one.  
Any lover of God, any sage or prophet is so often attacked ridiculed and demonised by mainstream thinking.  Why? Because the pointing is so powerful.  
Look at Christ in the cross. Rejected and cruelly killed by the people 
 ‘Forgive them Lord, for they know not what they do’. 
‘Love your enemies’  
God bless you all and may we all awaken to the simple timeless Truth 
– I especially bless and forgive those who seem to want to slander or degrade such purity and grace 
Thank to you – with so much love and gratitude.
All glory to God
Om Namah Shivaya
Swarupa x

Vivian Balthazar
1 year ago

Thank you for your beautiful writing. It is very painful for me to even imagine anyone saying such horrible things about our Master. Indeed, I keep getting this invite to join a group in Facebook called Mooji Exposed. I never or will ever open it. It angers me.
I found Mooji 10 years ago by chance on You Tube. From the moment I heard his first words there was in me a recognition that I knew
This was my Master.
My dearest Mooji has brought me home.” You are always in my heart, never can we be apart”
The joy I see in the faces of all of you says it all.
I had everything ready to go meet him in person April 2020. Two weeks before, the world shut down due to Covid and everything was cancelled. I was heartbroken.
I hope I can go sometime soon or maybe he could come to the US.
I am 70 years old, since I was 14 yrs old I have had severe panic attacks
They started a year after I was sexually attacked. I have suffered PTSD since and had had decades of therapy and medication. Since my Master brought me “Home” I have had none. I have not taken medication or therapy in years.I made the decision to do so because I saw “nothing” happened to me. “I am” is fine..
I dwell in complete peace and I am forever grateful.
Jesus said “you will know them by the fruits” and those of us that know our Master will never believe anything like that.
I hope with all my heart I can personally meet him so I can give him a hug before I get too much older and not able to travel.
I want you to know that my transformation has touched my 4 children and friends. His love expands through every one of us.
Please give him my love and to the whole Sangha as well.
Vivian Balthazar

1 year ago

After 10 years that I have spent around Mooji and the Sahaja Sangha, one thing stands out for me:
It is the integrity of Mooji himself and the integrity of the Sahaja Sangha – integrity in spiritual as well as in daily matters -. What good fortune!
In gratitude for this divine blessing,

Jacek Baran
1 year ago

Thank you so much for this letter Shree. I have been blessed to visit Monte Sahaja a few times. Moojibaba and Sangha have deeply impacted my life. I am so grateful for the love and clarity that shines through his presence and the power of the pointings.Monte Sahaja is a holy place.

Much love and Gratitude to the Sangha and our Beloved Master Mooji

1 year ago

Thank you dear Shree for your powerful letter.
You are speaking out for our Sangha Heart and I stand by your side.🙏🏻
Thank you for your loving and constant Presence close to Gurudje , for your endless commitment to serving Truth and Light.
When meeting MoojiBaba🙏🏻 , I feel One in his compassion, his Joy and Grace, and humbleness emanating from him.
I am following Moojibaba for more than 10 years and I have been blessed to visit Monte Sahaja number of times, being a witness of his never-ending selfless Service to truth and awakening🙏🏻
His true connection with us, Sangha, is from Heart . He never asks anything from us as a person.
To Know Moojibaba, Is following his guidance and meet him in my Heart.
Thank you thank you Beloved MoojiBaba for bringing Light, joy, Love, Your Wisdom and Gratitude to this world of duality, the dark clouds of ignorance, fear and negativity will be cleared by your radiance and Loving Light and all those around You, the Sangha.
Thank you Beloved Gurudje 🙏🏻for showing us the way to true Life of Love🙏🏻
May we continue to serve one another with love and kindness.
In my deepest Gratitude, There Is Love, only Love.
All Blessings to MoojiBaba🙏🏻 and to Sangha🙏🏻

The Prayer of Saint Francis of Assisi
…. Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.

O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

Sumantra Paul
1 year ago
Reply to  Cartiersophie

Thank you so much for reminding about this beautiful prayer! I am so deeply touched reading all these comments — truly so much genuine love and wisdom in the sangha.

1 year ago

Beloved Master infinite love ❤️ to you. I have heard you saying about a song of Bob Marley “Only a foolish dog barks at a flying bird”. Many enlightened Masters have experienced these situations. Relatives and others tried to kill Buddha pushing a big rock. Christ was tortured and crucified. The relatives of Meera Bai tried to kill her many times. Shirdi Sai Baba was also attacked. Mohammad was stoned to death. Mansoor was also killed. Socrates was also killed. Osho was poisoned. The list can go on.
Prayers, love ❤️ and blessings to our beloved Master. And more prayers, love ❤️ and blessings to the beings who are in the darkness. May they see their weakness, see the play of the mind, see the vicious circle and be free of them. May they understand that to an enlightened being all these things are passing by, including they themselves. May they be bathed in the light of our beloved Master and be free.
It is a fact that many Masters have seen these situations passing by. And as disciples we are worried. May we remain alert, aware, conscious as our Master and be untouched by these negativities.
As Christ said “forgive them Lord, as they do not know what they are doing”.
Gratitude to you my Master 🌷 who has changed my life, because of you I know I have to remain as the seeing.
Koti koti Pranam.

1 year ago

From Shanti Ma
I am sharing this letter from beloved Shree because it is true and right and full of the very spirit that is also in my heart.
Moojibaba is a guiding light, pointing anyone, who dares or cares to look, to the truth. He offers us all the possibility to shed the false notions, concepts, ignorance that cause so much suffering and despair. The expansion and elevation of Consciousness is his only subject.
Moojibaba is the living evidence of truth and love. His full-hearted, generous, inclusive, loving and kind ways are uplifting the nature of his sangha and beyond. I live in the wonderment of my good fortune and gratitude for this.
He has made my love of God my way of life.


1 year ago

Thank you!!!
Love to all Sangha-Members🙏🏼😌🙏🏼

Afroditi Vassiliou
1 year ago

As someone who just visited Monte sahaja ongoingly for 7 months, and also been there as a guest for 3 weeks, and as someone who now lives far away, i can testify, from all three “positions” that nothing from what is posted online by those people is true and that what dear Shree is expressing through this letter represents all of us, not just those who live in Monte sahaja for years, but also those who visit or stay short term like myself.

It is our choice to listen and follow our Heart to be there on the first place, Mooji baba’s pure and loving expression is what we call “satsang” , which means the transmission of truth. We haven’t learned to be comfortable with Truth. In daily life we struggle. So i can kind of understand those people who spread rumors. But i pray they will find love in their way and be able at some point to distinguish what is trully right and true and what is false, an illusion.

There is no doubt that Mooji baba is a living example of how we can actively live a simple life in Ttuth and see clearly all the rest and stop defending what does not serve the highest good of all.
The same applies to those living in Monte sahaja. There are people from many countries, cultures and background with a different way of expressing their gratitude, love and devotion to their Teacher, Master, Guru. Its easy for us who are not used to this kinds of expression to missunderstand it sometimes. But I can also testify that there is nothing there than just gratitude for what He represents, what He reveals, what He is pointing. And it’s a pitty to draw conclusions and make scenarios out of these expressions.

I wish you, if you are one of those people writing or even thinking in a hateful negative way towards this Teacher and this community, to focus on your life, find what is missing, you cannot find it by accusing others you dont know, or who you met at some point in life. No one can be blamed for your life. You can find truth and love I am sure. I trust this, because God does not let anyone out. You are with us as One, even if you can not see it or admit it at this point in life. Bless you to do so. Love, love , love.
1 year ago

Thank you mother for your letter. It is no doubt disheartening to know what you have said but I am not surprised. Because history is testimony to the fact that Because of Several Fake and Corrupt gurus (more so recently in India and abroad too)……. Great saints and sages have had to face false accusations. Those who have attended Vippasana would know that it is highlighted in their talks that Buddha was accused by a woman for carrying his child in open satsang. But Buddha remained unperturbed . Very recently in India this year a popular ISKCON head of Delhi Branch made several nasty uncalled for remarks against Swami Vivekananda who is revered world-wide. Fortunately their was outcry from public in India and ISKCON management sent the monk for penance. It is rightly claimed in the scriptures this is a worthless samsara born of imagination and there is diversity of opinions among great seers , saints and yogins resulting in mud slinging by lower rankers obviously to grow their own school of philosophy. This is the reason it is said in Essence of Yoga Vasishta that ” it is indeed nobler to wander begging about the streets of the outcasts( chandals : who burn dead bodies in India) , an earthen bowl in hand , than to live a life steeped in ignorance. What you have said very much dignified and I think it should be given wide publicity in media by devotees visiting Monte Sahaja and devotees in Utube etc and Advise may also be sought from Advocates in the matter to counter the allegations if possible in court of Law. Under no circumstances must the public get one sided manufactured view of the Great Sage like MOOJIBABA.

Janisha Caso
1 year ago

Namaste BELOVED sangha,

Today after getting an email with this matter, and reading Shree’s and Sid’s letters, I closed my eyes and prayed to Sai Baba of Shirdi, as He came to my heart and mind, asking Him for guidance to all of us and bringing this to His feet. Few hours later, received a message via Instagram feed posts that said: “Read chapter 18 & 19 in Satcharitra. It contains the answer to your question.” So I googled it and read it all. Found very inspiring and beautiful stories. About the inescrutable ways of a Guru. This extract, is from 19th chapter. Hope it brings light and love also to your hearts:

Variety in Upadesh (instruction) — Slanderer Condemned

Sai Baba required no special place, nor any special time for giving instructions. Whenever any occasion demanded, He gave them freely. Once it so happened that a Bhakta of Baba, reviled another behind his back, before other people. On leaving aside merits, he dwelt on the faults of his brother, and spoke so sarcastically, that the hearers were disgusted. Generally, we see that people have a tendency to scandalize others, un-necessarily; and this brings on hatred and ill-will. Saints see scandal, in another light. They say that there are various ways of cleansing or removing dirt, viz. by means of earth, water and soap etc., but a scandal-monger has got a way of his own. He removes the dirt (faults) of others by his tongue; so in a way of obliges the person, whom he reviles and for this he is to be thanked. Sai Baba had his own method of correcting the scandal-monger.

Jai Gurudev! Jai Moojibaba! Jai Sangha of Being! Jai One Truth! Jai Sai Baba of Shirdi! Jai Love!

Full blessings in any form they come, and full auspicious Intensive Retreat to all of us.
Thank you Moojiji, for all you are, flowering in every way, even if sometimes our minds doesn’t understand your perfect plan and sometimes we forget all is You, all is Yours, all is ONE.

Geoff Walker
1 year ago

This is Swarupa not Geoff !
My experience being in the sangha and close to Mooji has been life changing and there is nothing but immense gratitude for being able to be in Sahaja and in the sangha . The whole experience was not an experience but a deep opening to the truth and to what is here . I felt moved to write about it giving a day by day account of what arose as satsang in the heart of service abd in being part of sangha . Answering the call of longing was a response to what joy and privilege it was to spend time with Mooji and to experience such deep love he is always .
If you follow the truth you don’t listen to the mind ! And the gossip and slanders are mind . The Truth is Mooji is love itself and nothing can harm this . All love to the beautiful beings and to Guruji

Satyam Sukumaran
1 year ago

Thank you for this inspiring testimony Shree.

It is so rare to receive guidance from an authentic living master who, not only is the embodiment of timeless scriptures from the different ages, but is also uncompromisingly committed to serving those who are inspired to discover their truest nature. And it is out of a gratitude to this life in Satsang with a Master and the profound effectiveness of his direct guidance- that I feel an importance to speak out in light of active campaigns of misinformation and slander.

For me Monte Sahaja is a beacon of light in this world that serves all seekers regardless of their geographical location or external life circumstances. I feel that there is no place on earth that is so solely focused and devoted to helping people search for their truest reality in this most ancient, yet ever fresh, direct path. I am grateful to have been back and forth between London and Monte Sahaja, since i first met Moojibaba at the end of 2015.

Reflecting on the different dynamic working environments in ‘the world’ that I have found myself in – I can say that I have never seen a serving team that is so humbly dedicated to the care and service of other human beings, as i have seen in Monte Sahaja. This is before we can even start to talk about the focus, creativity, devotion and attention that is given to serving seekers of truth/god/reality in the deepening of their Satsang.

This quality of the serving team is just the fragrance of the profound, selfless and true, existence that Moojibaba is. To even try and describe Guruji’s qualities seems limiting and futile. However from my interactions over the years, it is so clear – that Moojibaba only breathes and exists – to inspire the highest life – by providing unwavering encouragement to look in the most direct way and discover our eternal reality.

By God’s Grace, may those genuinely drawn to Satsang in search of a recognition of their truest nature be inspired and encouraged to continue on this most auspicious aspiration. May any distraction away from this purest of aspirations be seen through and transcended. And may those who have fallen under the influence of negativity and slander be healed to the best of their capacity to receive.

1 year ago

My dear Sanga family! With all my heart with you and confirm every word said by Shri. I have heard something about this in passing, this information is not appealing at all and the only thing is rejection. Those who are attracted to Satsang and who feel this fire of Truth through Guruji’s Satsangs will not be confused and confounded by brazen lies. Even though I have never been to Sahaja, the power of Master’s grace and the fire of Satsang has completely changed my life and my self-awareness. There is a peace and contentment in my life that I have never experienced before. And all thanks to my beloved Master Moojibaba and the general field of Sanga, to all the Sahaja guys who have so much sincere love in them and who have dedicated their lives to the service of Truth! Ignorance, slander and malicious gossip are not worthy of a drop of attention and neither are those who spread them. But a worthy response must of course be given. Truth will prevail and will be revealed to those who are open! What I would like to say to people who speak ill of saints and sages, the scriptures say that they bring misfortune and suffering on their heads. So it is better to check a hundred times before picking up gossip and spreading it. It is hard to bless such people, but God bless you, may God send you such lessons that will quickly lead you to enlightenment in the most direct way. All I can say is with all love, gratitude and respect to Mooji and our entire Sangha. 🙏❤️🙏

1 year ago


Last edited 1 year ago by fabio.italmar
1 year ago

May our beloved Gurudev, the Sahaja Sangha, and the wider Sangha around the world be only lifted up ever higher in a wave of positive vibration in gratitude and devotion to the Supreme and for the magnificent Light named Mooji that has come to guide us fully home. I’ve been blissfully unaware of whatever accusations were being made some years ago and whatever ones are reportedly being made now, and since choicelessly there is no doubt in me of our master’s utter authenticity, I feel no natural curiosity about it actually.

Babaji said a few years ago that it turned out to be good for the Sangha, because as a result of the accusations and insinuations, the ones who did not need to come, did not come. And it has certainly felt to me that since then the power of this Sangha and of Mooji’s guidance and of our ability to follow has only crystallized more and more.

Thank you Shree for this powerful letter, full blessings to all: that those in darkness encounter the light, that those in half-light be moved to full-light, and that we all be burned up completely in the divine holy white fire of the True.

1 year ago

Thank you, Shree, so much for this letter, it speaks from my heart, and I fully stand behind what you share. I’m living in Monte Sahaja for eleven years now, and I have never experienced or witnessed anything that the accusations against Moojibaba and the Sangha are speaking about. These accusations are false, none of them is true. I can wholeheartedly attest to the unwavering integrity of Moojibaba, and of the Sahaja community. There is absolute consistency between Moojibaba’s teachings and the way he lives and moves, and his commitment to fostering an atmosphere of openness, transparency, and respect is unquestionable. Everyone who lives here or who has visited cannot help but confirm this. It is so clear and so evident that Moojibaba’s life is fully and solely dedicated to guide us out of habitual and often toxic ways of thinking and behaving, and to help us to discover our true position beyond all these. Through his guidance I find inner peace, clarity, and rest. Eternally grateful to you, Moojibaba, my most beloved Guruji 🙏