
Reaching Out

Our hope and belief is that our sangha knows that there is an open line of communication, allowing us to share feedback, information and experiences. Often things can be cleared up, learned from and resolved when they are brought to light. Like anywhere in life, many things in Monte Sahaja and the wider Sangha have changed and grown in wisdom and strength over the years in response to feedback that we have received.

If you have something to share, or have a genuine question or concern, you can be in touch with us by writing to or using our Contact Form.

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3 months ago


I’ve recently come across some negative postings about Mooji. While I have never met him or any of you, I want to share that his videos on YouTube have helped me immensely. During some of the darkest moments of my life, his teachings on emotions were a source of comfort and guidance. The truth flows powerfully through Mooji’s teachings, and I am deeply grateful for them. Wishing you all the very best.


Vedana SPS
10 months ago

I just want to let you know my infinite gratitude for everything I have discovered from being on this path that connects with consciousness… wisdom made your voice, thank you for placing the flame that gave light and for me to be able to see this path, and to be able to remove in some way what at some point needed an answer… There are no longer any questions left in the face of many doubts that lie in that voice of the mind. I only understood that it was a matter of Accepting, that this voice is there to accompany me and show me when I need to be fully aware of everything that happens in this experience. I decided and I want to see life as a game, a game where there are different roles, different characters and you walk through each world… a world that is neither yours nor the other’s but he doesn’t know it either, that world. It is something that exists and we simply go through it and see what strategy we will have to use, what we will need to apply to go to the next level and live that experience. It made it more enjoyable for me to see the experience this way. Thank you so much. María Teresa, I hug you with my soul.

Last edited 10 months ago by Vedana SPS
1 year ago

Thank you Shree and Siddharta for bringing this up to our attention. I am very surprised to hear of such persistent online negativity that is going on about Mooji Baba and Monte Sahaja. Thank goodness I don’t read nor log into Facebook or all these other internet platforms.

There is only ONE thing I want to say here and it is that – I am NOT INTERESTED at all about what others have to say about Mooji Baba. They can say whatever they want. For me, IT IS ONLY TRUTH AND FREEDOM that I desire most and while this form is still fresh and alive, nothing will stand in the WAY OF TRUTH.

So please convey my Deepest Love and Gratitude to Mooji Baba for TIRELESSLY staying on for those who are ONLY interested in SELF DISCOVERY and nothing else.

Let it be so Let it be so Let it be So
Hand Over Heart,

Last edited 1 year ago by Amilly
1 year ago

Thank you Shree and Siddharta. Your words are filled with the love and light Moojibaba shares with us all around the world. The fact that lies and hatred have become so common and are spreading like a virus all over the world is a very sad and painful notion. THANK YOU MOOJIBABA for TRUTH.
THANK YOU Monte Sahaja Sangha for your relentless excellent work for spreading it online!
Infinite gratitude, love and blessings. TRUTH IS 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻
Katia from California