

All the latest news and announcements

In Honour of Shanti – Celia Teresita Freidenberg

Our beloved sangha sister, Shanti, passed away peacefully in the evening of 9th August, 2024. Shanti is a much loved member of the sangha, and had a unique life, having met and served Osho, Papaji, and Moojibaba. She devoted her life to a genuine search for Truth. Her long time connection with Moojibaba, started from the […]


On this auspicious day of Guru Purnima, we offer our deepest reverence and gratitude to Moojibaba, as we recognise the immense fortune of walking alongside such a great Master. The word ‘Guru’ means ‘the dispeller of darkness’ and such a one is a light unto this world. Guru Purnima is a cherished celebration in various […]

Update About Monte Sahaja

Moojibaba is taking an extended period of rest. To support this, during this time many activities in Sahaja will be reduced and we will cease visits and guest stays. Moojibaba has been offering Satsang with seekers of Truth for many years – in fact, for nearly three decades now. The attention and support offered through […]

Songs from the Ganga ~ Live Bhajans Album by Jai Sahaja!

Songs in praise and reverence to the Supreme, offered during an Open Satsang season in Rishikesh, India, these bhajans are permeated with the love and silence that pours from the heart of Satsang. The city of Rishikesh is nestled in the foothills of the Himalayas, along the banks of the Ganga. This sacred and mighty river […]

Blessed and Happy Easter

Wishing each one a blessed and happy Easter. May you be filled with the holy presence of God, the one reality of our inmost Being. “Go find somewhere quiet. Take no one from outside with you and take no one inside with you. Remain in oneness with your inmost being. This presence here is the […]


Today we celebrate our beloved Moojibaba’s 70th birthday, in deep gratitude to a life of selfless service and awakened wisdom. Light of our heart The one who brings us swiftly to therecognition of Truth Who reveals life eternal and shows us the way beyond suffering and misconceptions Who shows us the timeless core of our […]

In Honour of Darshana – Simona Peres

Our beloved Sangha sister, Darshana, passed away peacefully in the evening of 29 December, 2023, in the presence of her family and loved ones.  She had bravely fought cancer for 7 ½ years. In 2021 doctors told her she had 2 months left to live. In true Darshana style she defied this sentence and lived on […]


In this compelling interview, Mooji and André sit down together and speak about a broad range of topics, all the while rooted in the heart of true understanding. Their conversation is refreshingly down to earth, and includes a powerful spontaneous guidance from Moojibaba at 30 minutes.

Live Broadcast of Christmas Program ~ 24 & 25 Dec

We warmly invite you to join the Christmas program in Monte Sahaja via live broadcast. Sunday, 24 December19.30 (Lisbon time) ~ Musical Evening On Christmas Eve, we will have a joyful and diverse evening of music, including a selection of songs from sangha musicians and a Christmas choir.  Monday, 25 December11:00 (Lisbon time) ~ Live […]

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Dear Friends, As the year comes to a close, we send you our heartfelt wishes for a wonderful holiday season, and thank you deeply for your presence in this community.  May your heart be peaceful and light, and may you feel the blessing of each day as this new year unfolds. With all our love […]


We celebrate Papaji Jayanti today, 13 October—the birthday of Sri H.W.L. Poonja, the spiritual Master of Moojibaba. It is our great joy to honour and give praise to this great sage, the very essence and evidence of Truth. Beloved Papaji, in you we find true peace, joy, and contentment. We meet you through our beloved […]