Mooji Mooji

“Our Family Is Living in Satsang”

17 Oct, 2018 | 13:21

This is a beautiful testimony of the mother of a devotee who has been at the heart of the Sangha for a few years. She expresses her gratitude to Moojibaba and describes how Satsang has helped her and her family, “We are together in this and it is very strong and powerful; the relationship between us. I feel it is not more this habit and conditioning; it comes from the heart. It is a very very true relationship.”

She describes how she applies the pointings of Moojibaba by putting all objects that appear before in the ‘marinade’ of the Self. “I feel this, all the objects are in the marinade, they come up and down, up and down and I see them. I feel very peaceful, I am a better mother now.”


An excerpt from the Satsang, “ Become a Door Through Which God Can Be Visible in This World
Full Satsang available on Sahaja Express
7 October 2018

Monte Sahaja, Portugal